Dash Delta

D&D and Pathfinder Bot

Currently serving 7000+ servers!

Dice Roller

Extensive dice roller with modifiers

You may tell me what how many dice you want to roll, how many to keep, drop, or reroll, all in one command. If N is not given, it is usually defaulted to 1. Basic math operations such as +, -, *, / are supported, as well as grouping expressions in brackets to override order of operations. Check usage examples for guidance on the dice notation.

Possible modifiers

kh or khN Keeps highest N
kl or klN Keeps lowest N
dh or dhN Drops highest N
dl or dlN Drops lowest N
r> or r>N Rerolls greater or equal to N
r< or r<N Rerolls lesser or equal to N
ro> or ro>N Rerolls once greater or equal to N
ro< or ro<N Rerolls once lesser or equal to N
> or >N Filters out greater or equal to N
< or <N Filters out lesser than or equal to N
! Explodes dice, adds another roll when dice hits the max
!! Compounding exploding dice, adds the reroll to the original
!p Penetrating exploding dice, explodes at a -1 modifier to the max roll

Example usage

User /roll d20 for my first twenty sided die!

Dash Delta I interpreted your input as: d20
The numbers generated: [6]
End Result: 6

User /roll 2d20kh + 3 attacking with advantage

Dash Delta I interpreted your input as: 2d20kh + 3
The numbers generated: [5, 19] + 3
End Result: 22

User /roll 4d6r<2dl

Dash Delta I interpreted your input as: 4d6r<2dl
The numbers generated: [1, 6, 3, 6, 3]
End Result: 24

User /roll (2d6+4)*2 critical strike!

Dash Delta I interpreted your input as: (2d6 + 4) * 2
The numbers generated: ([5, 4] + 4) * 2
End Result: 26


Records inline macros

I can record inline macros for later use. These macros are individual to the user.

Available commands

addmacro Adds a macro.
macro Runs a macro.
deletemacro Deletes a macro.
macrolist Displays list of user's macros.
updatemacro Updates a macro.

Example usage

User /addmacro stab stabs with his dagger for [[d6 + 4]] piercing damage and [[d6]] poison damage

Dash Delta I have added the macro stab.

User /m stab

Dash Delta stabs with his dagger for 7 piercing damage and 3 poison damage
[d6 + 4], [d6]

User /macrolist

Dash Delta stab: stabs with his dagger for [[d6 + 4]] piercing damage and [[d6]] poison damage

User /deletemacro stab

Dash Delta I have removed stab from your macro list.

Inline Dice Roller

Makes inline dice rolls

I will echo your sentence with the inline roll. Use [[]] to denote that you wish for the contents to be rolled.

Possible modifiers

[[dice expression]] Anything wrapped in [[]] will be parsed as a roll

Example usage

User /inline slashes with his greatsword for [[d20+4]]

Dash Delta User#1234: slashes with his greatsword for [15]

User /inline damages for [[d12]] slashing damage and [[d6]] fire damage.

Dash Delta User#1234: damages for [9] slashing damage and [6] fire damage.


Records snippets of text

I can record blocks of text for later use. This can be used by anyone within the server.

Available commands

addtag Adds a tag.
tag Displays a tag
deletetag Deletes a tag.
taginfo Displays the details of the tag.
taglist Shows all the tags in the server.
updatetag Updates a tag

Example usage

User /addtag bob_smith bob is the best

Dash Delta I have added the tag bob_smith

User /tag bob_smith

Dash Delta bob is the best

User /taglist

Dash Delta Guild tags: pow

Your tags: bob_smith

Text Generator

Generates text from a table

Generator tables for your DMing needs. Some random tables mostly from /r/BehindTheTables. I've provided a link to the original table

Available tables

coins Description of a fantasy currency. [Link]
dndcharacter Generate a dnd character [Link]
golem Creates a golem with random features. [Link]
gossip Random rumours. [Link]
name A funky name.
nation Creates the description of a new nation, useful for world building. [Link]
table A table. [Link]
tavern-name Short and simple tavern names. [Link]
weather Normal weather to supernatural events. [Link]

Example usage

User /generate tavern-name

Dash Delta The Fumbling Starling

User /generate tavern-name

Dash Delta The Stylish Lizard

User /generate dndcharacter

Dash Delta A disruptive Dwarf Monk from a very tiny province who is manically obsessed with etiquette


Solves a mathematical expression

Solves a mathematical expression with basic operations and functions. Useful for things that the dice roller does not cover.

Available operations

+ Addition
- Subtraction
/ Division
* Multiplication
sqrt square root

Example usage

User /calc 2*3 + 4*5

Dash Delta The answer is: 26

Set edition

Sets the default D&D edition to search

Sets the default edition to search for. You can still use the edition specific commands such as spells5e, items3e, featspf, etc.

checkedition Tells you the server's current edition.
setedition Assigns the server's current edition.

Example usage

User /setedition pathfinder

Dash Delta Your server's default D&D version has been changed to Pathfinder. Database searches on items, spells, bestiary, feats will default to that version. You may still use the version specific command if you'd like to use the other edition.


Choose an option from a list

Given a comma separated list, I'll choose one of the items randomly for you.

Example usage

User /choose left path, right path, go back home

Dash Delta left path